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Reunión fundacional de la Internacional de Humanistas en 1952

[Internacional] La Internacional de Humanistas celebra sus 70 años

Este mes, la Internacional de Humanistas celebra los 70 años de su fundación en 1952.

To mark the occasion, we have launched our updated Declaration of Modern Humanism; the Amsterdam Declaration 2022. The declaration sets out the values and principles which unite our global movement, as agreed by Members and Associates of Humanists International from around the world, at the 2022 General Assembly in Glasgow.

As part of the celebrations, we have also created a new video for Members and supporters to share on social media.

Andrew Copson, President of Humanists International, commented:

“In 1952, at the first World Humanist Congress, the founders of Humanists International agreed on a statement of the fundamental principles of modern Humanism. They called it “The Amsterdam Declaration. Of course, the world has changed significantly since then, and in keeping with the democratic and progressive values of the organization and movement, the declaration has been reviewed and updated over the years. While opinions and definitions of humanism may differ slightly from person to person, or between organizations and groups, the Amsterdam Declaration is adopted by all Members and Associates of Humanists International, as our definitive guiding principles”

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